Enterprise Resources Planning Services (ERP)

ERP systems are designed around a common, defined data structure (schema) that usually has a common database. ERP systems provide access to enterprise data from multiple activities using common constructs and definitions and common user experiences.

A key ERP principle is the central collection of data for wide distribution. Instead of several standalone databases with an endless inventory of disconnected spreadsheets, ERP systems bring order to the chaos so that all users—from the CEO to accounts payable clerks—create, store, and use the same data derived through common processes. With a secure and centralized data repository, everyone in the organization can be confident that data is correct, up to date, and complete. Data integrity is assured for every task performed throughout the organization, from a quarterly financial statement to a single outstanding receivables report, without deploying error-prone spreadsheets.

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What is enterprise resource planning? Yesterday and today.

Historically, ERP systems were monolithic suites that that worked separately and didn’t talk with other systems. Each system required expensive, complex, and customized code to meet unique business requirements which slowed—or even prevented—the adoption of new technology or process optimization.

What makes today’s ERP software different is that it brings all these different processes to the table and together in one fluid system. And not just offering data connectivity within your ERP system, but also within your productivity tools, e-commerce, and even customer engagement solutions. Helping you connect all your data for better insights that help you optimize your processes across your entire business.

In addition, a modern ERP solution offers flexible deployment options, improved security and privacy, sustainability, and low-code customization. But most importantly, it will build continuity and resiliency into your business and processes through insights that help you innovate at a rapid rate today while preparing your business for what’s next tomorrow.